What is Arise & Tell?

Find regular updates on our Arise & Tell blog!

That the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn,
and arise and tell them to their children.
— Psalm 78:6

God’s Word tells us: “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” For Stevens Street Baptist Church, it is time to build. This season has been on our horizon for a long time. The need for: 1) safe/adequate space for our children, 2) more space in our foyers and hallways, and 3) updated and expanded space for adult Life Groups, are needs we must not ignore. Now is the opportune time for us to take action so that the legacy of Stevens Street Baptist Church will continue with future generations. We do this for God’s glory, not our own. This building project is a necessary step as we walk with Jesus and pursue His mission.

Our vision is for future generations to Arise & Tell the wondrous deeds of the Lord to generations yet to come. Arise and Tell is the name chosen for our stewardship campaign because it captures a vision from scripture (Psalm 78) that sees beyond brick and mortar. Arise and Tell is a vision for people. Specifically, it is a vision for people who have yet to be born to attend Stevens Street, hear about Jesus, and raised up to be witnesses for Christ.

- Pastor Scott

This capital campaign means that we can invite more families with young children and have them feel welcome, because our space is not overflowing or haphazard. Families that feel like their children are secure and in safe spaces are more likely to return.
— Jason & Natalie Beach

What does this building accomplish?

New 1st Floor Preschool Area

  • 12 classrooms (increases capacity by 40%)

  • Secure entry with check-in

  • Jack & Jill Bathrooms

New 2nd Floor Kids Area

  • 8 classrooms (increases capacity by 50%)

  • Secure entry with check-in

  • 2,700 sq. ft. assembly area

Expanded foyer and main entrance

  • Approximately 5 times as large as the current foyer

Adult Life Group rooms

  • Will occupy current preschool & kids space, creating a surplus of rooms and bringing adult groups into one building

Almost 20 years ago when we walked through the doors of Stevens Street Baptist Church, we felt the presence of the Holy Spirit. We know this church seeks the will of God first and foremost. We feel at home in this church and feel God’s love pressing out through the hearts of so many people. It is a joy to serve the Lord here.
— Dick & Alvena Vaughn


Pray that God would continue to lead us in pursuit of the mission He has laid before us in Scripture—to make disciples of all nations. The largest people group is those who have yet to come; how will we strategically plan to reach them with the Gospel of Jesus Christ? How can you play a part partnering together with us to help accomplish God’s will for our church?


Give sacrificially to support the vision of Arise & Tell. You can give a one-time gift or set up recurring giving online. Cash or check can be giving in our offering plates during a worship service, or mailed to our church office at 327 West Stevens Street, Cookeville, TN 38501.


When you commit to give over a period of time, you help our leadership better plan building expenses in the coming days. We understand that life circumstances can change, and that this commitment is made as a faith promise. Simply click below to fill out our quick commitment form.

Stay Connected!

See regular updates about Arise & Tell, including building progress, on our Arise & Tell blog.