Volunteer Connection
Want to serve at Stevens Street, but aren’t sure where to start? Join us for Volunteer Connection! This class is for those who are already members at Stevens Street.
Connection Class
An informal class to help you learn about our church and take the next step to connect!
Impact Salt Lake City, Utah #1
This project will be led by Sheila Geist in connection with our mission partner, Awaken City Church.
Mission Manhood
Showing young men what it means to be a man of God and pursue Jesus every day.
Fourth Annual Bobby Anderson Memorial Canoe the Caney Fellowship
Men, come canoe the Caney with the Stevens Street Men’s Ministry in memory of Bobby Anderson.
Student Ministry: Impact - Puerto Rico
Our Student Ministry will be working with NAMB's SEND relief network in Puerto Rico.
Vacation Bible School 2025
Vacation Bible School at Stevens Street
Monday, June 9 - Friday, June 13 (9:00am -12:00pm daily)
Impact Romania #1
This Project will be led by Jerald Bryant and will provide medical clinics and assistance in leading worship services and sharing testimonies.
Impact Salt Lake City, Utah #2
This project will be led by Paul Brewer in connection with our mission partner, Awaken City Church.
Impact Cookeville: Kingdom Community Church
An Impact project led by Jesse Haywood and David Walker.
Impact Pittsburgh, PA
A mission trip to Pittsburgh, PA to assist Alex Dixon and Pursuit Church. This trip will be led by Derek Harrington.
Impact Romania #2
A mission trip to Romania to show the love of Jesus by cutting firewood and other projects as well as help with evening worship services. This project will be led by TC Capps.
Impact Middle East
A mission trip to the Middle East led by Mark Harris and Rick Lowhorn.
Christmas Eve Service
Join us at 5:00pm on December 24 to celebrate the birth of our Savior!
Make plans to join us for our Christmas Eve Candlelight service. Bring your family and invite a friend to this very special time of worship as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Lottie Moon Christmas Auction
Helping fund missionary teams that make disciples and multiply churches among unreached people groups around the world.
Christmas in Cookeville
This December, celebrate Christmas with the church families of Stevens Street Baptist Church and Cookeville First Baptist Church!
College/Young Adult Friendsgiving
Bring your friends and enjoy a free Thanksgiving meal!
Women's Hospitality Dinner
An evening of women's fellowship and dinner including a guest speaker.
What's at Steak For Men
A men’s ministry event featuring a steak dinner and a message from Kewon Foster, Pastor of Out of Love Ministries in Atlanta, GA. (A Stevens Street church plant.)
Lighthouse Christian Camp Christmas Parties
Help provide Christmas gifts for the families of Lighthouse Christian Camp
GO Launch
Join us for GO Launch Sunday when we will reveal all of our Impact projects coming up in 2025!
College/Young Adult Ministry Pumpkin Party
Gut a gourd or paint a pumpkin to win a prize!
Chili and Soup Cook-Off
A chili and soup cook-off to provide lunch for our college and young adult ministry.
College/Young Adult Ministry: Guys & Girls Nights Out
Guys do their thing. Girls do theirs. Bring a friend and be ready for some food and fun!
Women's Ministry "Going Beyond" Simulcast Featuring Priscilla Shirer
Join thousands of women across the globe in this one-day event where you’ll experience whole-hearted teaching straight from God’s Word, worship, and prayer to inspire and challenge you to listen for His voice in your life.
Worship Weekend
A two-day workshop to inspire, encourage, and train worship ministry members!
Women's Fall Bible Study: Precept Upon Precept Inductive Studies: Romans Part 4
Women's Bible Study: Precept Upon Precept Inductive Studies: Romans Part 4
Worship Ministry Interest Meeting
Interested in joining the worship ministry? Here’s an interest meeting just for you.
Student Ministry: World Changers Project
Our Student Ministry will be working with World Changers in Birmingham, AL.
VBS 2024: Jesus Perfect
Vacation Bible School at Stevens Street - Jesus Perfect!
Monday, June 3 - Friday, June 7 (9:00am -12:00pm daily)