It’s time for your D-Group to begin!
This is an exciting time for you and your group members as you embark on your year-long journey of disciplemaking with each other.
To help your D-Group get moving in the right direction, we have developed a series of “D-Group Launch” videos. These four videos will lay the foundation of what your group will do each week so everyone can take the same steps toward becoming a disciples who makes disciples.
These videos can be watched here on your phone, laptop, or another smart device. You can always watch them through our Youtube channel, SSBC Groups. This channel can be accessed by using the Youtube app on your phone, other smart devices, or even through the Youtube app on your TV (Some may prefer this since the videos would be on a bigger screen and easier for the entire group to view.) When using the Youtube app, simply enter @ssbcgroups into the search bar and you will see the channel with all of our videos.
If you still have questions after watching this series, be sure to check our our Common Questions Asked About D-Groups or contact our Discipleship Pastor, Tommy Redding, at
Goals and Expectations
In our first video, your group will discuss where you are going as a D-Group, how you will get there, and what you should expect from each other.
Share Your Story
Sharing your story is an important part of being a disciple.
In our second video, your group will discover the importance of knowing your testimony, or your story, and why you should share it with others.
Weekly Disciplines Part 1
In our third video, you will learn what a D-Group meeting looks like. You will also look at two of the four weekly disciplines that you will practice while being in a D-Group: Bible Engagement and Scripture Memorization.
Weekly Disciplines Part 2
In our last video, you will look at the two remaining weekly disciplines that you will practice while being in a D-Group: Accountability and Prayer.
In this video, you will learn how to guide your D-Group through 4 conversations designed to prepare them to launch their own group.