Monday, June 10 Update
Thank you to everyone for all of the hard work that you put into VBS last week. We had an amazing week! Vacation Bible School would not be possible without you.
We may have had the most kids ever at a Stevens Street VBS and the most money collected for our Missions Offering with nearly $4,000 for Love Alive International in Rwanda, Africa. The Lord worked in and through every aspect of the week as we saw 46 kids come to the counseling room during the Bible Study Rotation on Thursday. We pray that all of those kids experienced a heart transformation and began their new life with Christ!
Daily Totals: Includes all Preschoolers, Kids & Leaders
Monday: 400
Tuesday: 397
Wednesday: 379
Thursday: 376
Friday: 357
VBS Feedback
Our VBS Leadership Team would love to hear your feedback about VBS 2024 - Jesus Perfect! We always want to look for ways to improve each year so we can continue to glorify God and impact kids. Simply, click the button below to complete a short 5 question survey.
VBS 2024 Leader Information
Thank you for stepping up to serve in VBS 2024 - Jesus Perfect! You will find several important items below:
Digital Leader Training Videos
VBS Leader Handbook
Important Dates & Reminders
If you have any questions, please email Adam Pharris at
Digital Leader Training
All VBS Leaders must complete the Digital Leader Training.
Step #1: Watch All 3 Training Videos
Step #2: Read the VBS Leader Handbook
Step #3: Fill Out the Digital Leader Training Completion Form
When you complete the form, you will be entered to win a Chick-fil-A Gift Card! There will be one student winner and one adult winner!
Important Dates & Reminders
Thursday, May 30 & Friday, May 31
The church will be open on these dates for VBS set-up and decorating from 9:00am - 4:00pm.
Monday, June 3 - Friday, June 7
VBS at Stevens Street from 9:00am - 12:00pm