Student Ministry: Impact - Puerto Rico
Our Student Ministry will be working with NAMB's SEND relief network in Puerto Rico.

Vacation Bible School 2025
Vacation Bible School at Stevens Street
Monday, June 9 - Friday, June 13 (9:00am -12:00pm daily)

Impact Romania #1
This Project will be led by Jerald Bryant and will provide medical clinics and assistance in leading worship services and sharing testimonies.

Impact Salt Lake City, Utah #2
This project will be led by Paul Brewer in connection with our mission partner, Awaken City Church.

Impact Cookeville: Kingdom Community Church
A local Impact project led by Jesse Haywood and David Walker.

Impact Pittsburgh, PA
A mission trip to Pittsburgh, PA to assist Alex Dixon and Pursuit Church. This trip will be led by Derek Harrington.

Impact Romania #2
A mission trip to Romania to show the love of Jesus by cutting firewood and other projects as well as help with evening worship services. This project will be led by TC Capps.

Impact Middle East
A mission trip to the Middle East led by Mark Harris and Rick Lowhorn.

Impact Salt Lake City, Utah #1
This project will be led by Sheila Geist in connection with our mission partner, Awaken City Church.

Student Ministry: World Changers Project
Our Student Ministry will be working with World Changers in Birmingham, AL.

Impact Pittsburgh, PA #1
A mission trip to Pittsburgh, PA to assist with a new church plant. This trip will be led by Lee Bailey.

Impact Pittsburgh, PA #3
A mission trip to Pittsburgh, PA to assist with a new church plant

Student Ministry: Impact - St Louis, MO
Our Student Ministry will be working with NAMB's SEND relief network in St. Louis, MO.

Impact Pittsburgh, PA #2
A mission trip to Pittsburgh, PA to assist with a new church plant

Student Ministry: Impact Atlanta GA
Our Student Ministry will help host Backyard Bible Clubs with Kewon Foster and Out of Love Ministries.

Impact Pittsburgh, PA #1
A mission trip to Pittsburgh, PA to assist with a new church plant

Impact New York City, NY
This project is led by Mike and Tommye Rena Wells in connection with our Mission Partner Christy Dyer Gultom and New City Church in NYC.

Impact Haiti
This mission project in Haiti is to assist Ron and Karen Cockerham; Founders and Directors of Hearts Afire and Sing a New Song Transition Home.