September 7, 2023
Happy Thursday, everyone. Here’s what you need to know going into this weekend:
Coming Up
This Sunday
Scripture text: Revelation 20:11-15
On That Day
It is Well
Jesus You Alone
Upcoming Songs:
September 10 - Jesus You Alone
September 17 - Come, Christians Join to Sing
September 24 - He Leadeth Me (Multigen Sunday)
October 1 - Washed Away
October 15 - All Sufficient Merit
Worship Ministry Spotlight
David Dukes
Choir member - tenor
Madison, TN
All of the above!
How long have you been at Stevens Street?
9 years
Highschool activity:
Favorite free time activity:
What’s free time?
Dream vacation spot:
Beach or mountains.
Favorite breakfast cereal:
If you could play any instrument, what would it be?
Piano, very versatile.
Favorite thing about worship ministry:
Sitting and feeling how our worship spreads throughout the congregation.
For your calendar, the date for the Christmas worship service will be Sunday evening, December 10 at 5:00p. As usual, we plan on extending the two Wednesday evening rehearsals prior to that service, so rehearsals on Wednesday, Nov 19 and Dec 6 will be from 6-8pm.
Today, we had to make some adjustments to the order of worship for Sunday, due to time contrasts with more baptisms and a parent/child dedication. Praise God for His working in our church to save and sanctify a people for Himself! Orchestra/tech team: be sure to make note that we are moving one song to the prelude instead of leading it as a congregational song during the service.
As many of you are aware, Tom Cropper passed away suddenly last Saturday evening. Please pray for Ruth, Tom’s wife, who was an orchestra member at Stevens Street. Funeral services will be Friday, September 8 at 10:00a at The Journey Church in Lebanon, TN. Visitation will be from 9-10a at the church.
Prayer Requests
Clayton Galloway (Julie’s son), having surgery tomorrow for a broken ankle.
David Barrett, former choir member, diagnosed with lymphoma in his liver.
Emily Leopold, 36 weeks pregnant with a baby boy who is currently breech.
The family of Tyler Bilbre, who passed away yesterday morning.
Grandma Betty and Vic Speck.
Reagan Bagci and family (Ali, Michelle). Praise: they are no longer concerned about an infection. Reagan has chemo today.
Pastor Scott, as he prepares to preach the Word on Sunday.
Looking to pray something specific for our church? Pray Ephesians 3:16-19.
An Extra
Last night during choir rehearsal, I brought out a new congregational song that we’ll learn and introduce to the church on October 15. It’s called All Sufficient Merit, by Shane and Shane. Check out the original recording below.
This is a great song talking about the undeserved grace of God in Jesus, in whom we stand forgiven and righteous before God. My goal is for us to sing it again as a church on October 29 (just before Reformation Day), and also for our Good Friday service next year.
The whole Shane and Shane album from which this song comes is excellent, and maybe my current favorite! The album title is “Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs (Live).” You can find it on any of the popular music platforms. Check it out!
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Email April: