September 21, 2023
Happy Thursday, everyone. Here’s what you need to know going into this weekend:
Coming Up
This Sunday
Scripture text: Revelation 21
The Solid Rock
He Leadeth Me
***begins at the 13:00 mark in the video below
On That Day
Upcoming Songs:
September 24 - He Leadeth Me (Multigen Sunday)
October 1 - Washed Away
October 15 - All Sufficient Merit
October 29 - Grace
Worship Ministry Spotlight
Joel Deason
Choir member - tenor
Cookeville, TN
5 children
How long have you been at Stevens Street?
14 years
Favorite free time activity:
Home repair projects
Dream vacation spot:
Favorite breakfast cereal:
Cream of wheat.
If you could play any instrument, what would it be?
Favorite thing about worship ministry:
The time of worship with friends.
What a great rehearsal with a bunch of new faces! I’m excited to lead with you all this Sunday. Remember, please plan on being a little early, just to help with the crowd and any allow time in case of any last-minute hiccups. It’s going to be a great day!
Be sure to pick up your Christmas 2023 CD in the choir room! If you’d prefer for me to load a flash drive with the tracks, just bring me a thumb drive and I will be happy to do so. Remember, the date for the Christmas worship service will be Sunday evening, December 10 at 5:00p. As usual, we plan on extending the two Wednesday evening rehearsals prior to that service, so rehearsals on Wednesday, Nov 19 and Dec 6 will be from 6-8pm.
Last week we posted our Connect Groups for this year of worship ministry. Remember, these are the people to whom you can pass along prayer requests, and also let them know when you cannot make a Wednesday rehearsal. You can find the updated list here, and you’ll be able to find it each week in these updates.
Prayer Requests
Connie (Stacy Burton’s aunt), with breast cancer that has metastasized. They have recommended hospice care.
Drucilla Ray, eye surgery in Knoxville on Tuesday.
Veldon Hall (Karen’s husband), having a DAT scan at Vanderbilt next Wednesday.
Millie, Debbie Baker’s sister-in-law, undergoing cancer treatments.
Praise: Emily Leopold’s baby is not in breech anymore. Pray for a healthy delivery soon.
A friend of Paige Gazaway (new choir member), whose grandchild (Asher) was born at 25 weeks and is expected to be in the NICU through December.
Reagan Bagci and family (Ali, Michelle). Praise: Reagan’s scans yesterday were all clear!
David Barrett, former choir member (cancer)
Pastor Scott, as he prepares to preach the Word on Sunday.
Looking to pray something specific for our church? Pray Ephesians 3:16-19.
An Extra
Here’s an interesting article from Christianity Today that make some observations about men singing (or not singing) in church. Here are a few points that stood out to me when reading, and a question for your reflection:
Unfortunately, it has become acceptable (and even expected) in many churches for men not to sing during the music time in church services. If someone asked you, “So? what’s wrong with that?” how would you answer?
The norm in many churches is to have an ultra-talented, tenor-voiced man lead the singing. If this is the case in a church, what specific challenges to male participation do you have to be sure to fight to overcome?
The professionalism of church music has become a barrier to men singing, because we have subtly communicated to men that only great voices are worthy to be heard. What are ways we can teach men the importance of singing, regardless of their musical skill?
I feel like a broken record here: worship leaders have to choose song keys that fit the congregation, not just the worship team members. Why do you think some worship leaders are hesitant (or unable) to do that?
I’m reminded of the importance of raising up children and students to see the Christ-honoring, biblically-mandated command to sing, and of equipping leaders to make the practical, musical decisions to help others sing. Yes, music education matters when it comes to leading worship.
I am so thankful to have a culture of singing men at Stevens Street. Keep singing!
Here’s that article again if you want to take a look.
Respond to the worship ministry text on your phone, or use the form below.
Email Andy:
Email April: