April 6, 2023
Happy Thursday! Here’s what you need to know this week.
***Parents, please be sure to read and (if applicable) respond to the note pertinent to you regarding childcare for the Impact Summit.
Coming Up
This Sunday
Sermon text: Luke 7:11-17
Crown Him with Many Crowns
Christ Our Hope in Life and Death
Living Hope
This Blood
April 16 - Christ is Risen, He is Risen Indeed
April 23 - Hear the Call of the Kingdom
April 24 - I Got Saved
April 25 - The Blood Medley
April 26 - Lord You’re Holy
Sunday’s anthem is This Blood. Orchestra will be playing King of Kings as a prelude.
Upcoming Impact Summit dates - April 23-26. Full worship ministry will lead services at 6:00pm on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings. Please make every effort to participate in every service that you can.
For the weekday sessions of the Impact Summit, there will be childcare for babies through 3 years old during the whole service. There will be choir kids childcare beginning at 5:30pm, but you will need to pick up your (older than 3 year old) children after the choir finishes singing in the service. If you need choir kids childcare, please let April know ASAP: alangford@stevensstreet.org.
Prayer Requests
The Bagci family (Ali, Michelle, Reagan). Reagan (13) was diagnosed with a rare bone cancer. He begins chemo treatment on Monday, please pray that the cancer does not spread to his growth plate.
Betty Speck, surgery to put a watchman on her heart on April 18, and another surgery to remove a cancerous mass they found recently.
Kathy Dyer (Billy’s wife), recovering from shoulder surgery
The family of Harold Howell
David Barrett, whose cancer has returned. He will be going through another round of treatments.
Looking to pray something specific for our church? Pray Ephesians 3:16-19.
An Extra
There are so many “extras” I could be tempted to include on the week of Easter (or “Holy Week” as it is called). I’ll pick just two:
First, here’s a 3 minute, 42 second clip of one of my favorite sermon excerpts about the cross. It’s worth your time to listen, I promise you.
Second, here’s a great article I read earlier this week about the significance of Palm Sunday, and Jesus riding a donkey into Jerusalem.
If you’ve ever been puzzled as to why the Gospel writers thought this was an event worth recording, here’s a hint: it had happened before with a different donkey-rider in the Old Testament, and the significance of that event sheds light onto Jesus’ story.
It’s just another beautiful reminder about the cohesiveness of the Bible and the way Jesus fulfills all of Scripture, including the Old Testament prophecies and types that point toward the Messianic King. Check it out, and prepare your hearts to worship King Jesus this Resurrection Sunday!
Respond to the worship ministry text on your phone, or use the form below.
Email Andy: ahammond@stevensstreet.org
Email April: alangford@stevensstreet.org