Worship Ministry Weekly Update

May 6, 2023

Happy Saturday, everyone. Here’s what you need to know this weekend:

Coming Up

This Sunday

Sermon text: Luke 9:37-43
Because He Lives
Almost Home
Behold Our God

May 7 - Almost Home (new congregational song)
May 21 - Psalm 46 (Lord of Hosts)
May 28 - Christ is Risen, He is Risen Indeed


  • One upcoming schedule change of which to be aware: on Sunday, May 28 (Memorial Day weekend), we will have ONE worship service at 10:00am. We will sing Christ is Risen, He is Risen Indeed, the choir anthem we had to reschedule a few weeks back.

  • I’d love to share a little about different worship ministry members in this weekly update. Will you take 3 minutes and tell us a little about yourself? Just click [here] to fill out a quick Google form. A bunch of you filled it out last week already. If you haven’t, consider doing it today!

Prayer Requests

  • Betty Speck, upcoming surgery this Monday.

  • David Dukes, upcoming shoulder replacement surgery May 11.

  • Reagan Bagci and family (Ali, Michelle). Memphis address if you’d like to send anything: Reagan Bagci, Apartment 221, 1811 Poplar Avenue, Memphis, TN 38104.

  • Praise: David Barrett’s PET scan confirmed no cancer in the liver or abdomen. They will soon biopsy lymph nodes in his neck.

  • Looking to pray something specific for our church? Pray Ephesians 3:16-19.

An Extra

Three last follow-up thoughts from our Impact Summit:

  1. Have you ever been on a mission trip before? Is the Lord working in your heart to give you a desire to share the Gospel? Our church does a fantastic job helping you impact the world. We have many trips scheduled throughout the year, and a clearly defined process to help you get organized. Check stevensstreet.org/events for a list of projects.

  2. Whether you are going on a trip this year or not, I encourage everyone to get a passport. That way, you are always ready to get a ticket when the opportunity comes up! A passport application can take a couple months to process, so taking care of this step is a great way to prepare yourself to go on an international mission trip. Plus, your passport will last 10 years. Here’s the link for more info: [click here]

  3. “Missions exists because worship doesn’t.” I’ve mentioned this quote in passing a few times. Below is a little more explanation from the source of that quote, John Piper.


Respond to the worship ministry text on your phone, or use the form below.

Email Andy: ahammond@stevensstreet.org
Email April: alangford@stevensstreet.org