Worship Ministry Weekly Update

April 28, 2023

Happy Friday, everyone. What a great week of ministry! Here’s what you need to know going into this weekend.

(Don’t miss the get-to-know-you form in the “notes” section if you have a couple minutes to share!)

Coming Up

This Sunday

Sermon text: Luke 8:40-55
This is the Day
Sing Praise (O Holy God)
The Power of the Cross (Oh to See the Dawn)

May 7 - Almost Home (new congregational song)
May 21 - Psalm 46 (Lord of Hosts)


  • Great job helping with the Summit! I know that was a big investment of time and energy for many of you. More below.

  • Sunday, we are back to our normal weekly schedule. See you Sunday morning at 8:00 or 8:30. Wednesday rehearsal will be back at 6:00, and we’ve got some great things to work on as we head into May!

  • Something fun and different for you: I’d love to share a little about different worship ministry members in this weekly update. Will you take 3 minutes and tell us a little about yourself? Just click [here] to fill out a quick Google form. Go ahead and be thinking about what your favorite breakfast cereal is.

Prayer Requests

  • Melissa Haberkamp (Bill & Paula’s daughter), admitted to the hospital for an antibiotic IV for problems with her eye. Paula is in Washington, D.C. with her.

  • Aleah Milligan (Will & Kelly’s daughter), having surgery today for a broken elbow.

  • Dennis, Jessica Gentry’s father-in-law, had surgery yesterday to remove a large tumor and amputate his leg.

  • The Bagci family (Ali, Michelle, Reagan). Reagan (13) has a rare bone cancer. He has begun chemo treatments at St. Jude in Memphis. They have a Memphis address now, if you’d like to send anything. Please be sure to reference Reagan’s name and the apartment number: Reagan Bagci, Apartment 221, 1811 Poplar Avenue, Memphis, TN 38104.

  • Betty Speck, recovering from a heart procedure, and an upcoming surgery on May 8 to remove a cancerous mass they found recently.

  • Praise: David Barrett’s PET scan confirmed no cancer in the liver or abdomen. They will soon biopsy lymph nodes in his neck.

  • Looking to pray something specific for our church? Pray Ephesians 3:16-19.

An Extra “Thank You”

I just wanted to make sure and communicate my heartfelt gratitude for the time, energy, and effort you put forth to lead our Impact Summit services. I knew from the outset that this would be a unique test of our ability to be flexible and organized, leading so much music without much time to rehearse and sound check. I am very proud of the way you stepped up to serve and the great attendance we had each night across the board in choir, band, and orchestra.

(As an aside: did you notice all seventeen orchestra chairs filled on that side of the stage last Sunday morning? That’s great!)

The Impact Summit was a good example of something we could do as a worship ministry to serve the church outside of our normal Sunday morning/Good Friday/Christmas worship service rhythm of events. Further, in helping make the Summit a success, your leadership was instrumental in encouraging our Impact partners and the volunteers and staff members of our church who worked so hard to organize the conference.

Sometimes, serving in church looks like ministering through great music. Sometimes, it looks like simply being present to support another ministry of the church. I am thankful for a church full of volunteers who do what needs to be done in order to propel our church forward in our mission to glorify God by making much of Jesus and sharing His Gospel.

Thank you for loving God and our church enough to serve the way that you do. Be encouraged, and keep up the good work! I’ll see you Sunday.


Respond to the worship ministry text on your phone, or use the form below.

Email Andy: ahammond@stevensstreet.org
Email April: alangford@stevensstreet.org