Worship Ministry Weekly Update

August 24, 2023

Happy Thursday, everyone. Here’s what you need to know going into this weekend:

Coming Up

This Sunday

Scripture text: Luke 11:9-10

At Calvary
Sing Praise (O Holy God)
The Gospel Song
King of Kings

Upcoming Songs:

September 10 - Jesus You Alone
September 17 - Come, Christians Join to Sing
September 24 - He Leadeth Me (Multigen Sunday)
October 1 - Washed Away


  • As you are aware, we have been praying hard for Reagan Bagci, son of Ali (tenor in our choir) who is undergoing aggressive chemotherapy at St. Jude. Reagan’s 14th birthday is coming up Friday, September 1. To continue to love and serve this family, I’d like to encourage you to send Reagan a happy birthday card in the next week. You can send it addressed to Reagan Bagci at Apt. 221, 1811 Poplar Ave., Memphis, TN 38104.

  • For your calendar, the date for the Christmas worship service will be Sunday evening, December 10 at 5:00p. As usual, we plan on extending the two Wednesday evening rehearsals prior to that service, so rehearsals on Wednesday, Nov 19 and Dec 6 will be from 6-8pm. Be on the lookout for a special Christmas practice CD soon.

  • Connect groups will be assigned and go into effect after Labor Day. We have been adding several new worship ministry members, and I want to wait until we’ve completed all those interviews before assigning groups.

  • College students are back in town! As a reminder, college students are indeed invited (and encouraged) to be a part of worship ministry. So as you encounter and meet students, invite them to come to a rehearsal or reach out to me and April for more information.

Worship Ministry Spotlight

Dale Bohannon

Orchestra member - piano/trumpet

Monterey, TN

Noel, Jill, and Louie the cockatoo.

How long have you been at Stevens Street?
24 years

Highschool activity:

Favorite free time activity:
Running, playing the trumpet/piano, and reading

Dream vacation spot:
South Dakota

Favorite breakfast cereal:
Shredded Wheat with raisins

If you could play any instrument, what would it be?
Trumpet and piano. I get to be a part of the worship ministry with my friends and hear that wonderful sound up close.

Favorite thing about worship ministry:
Playing a song and seeing people worshipping the Lord.

Prayer Requests

  • The family of Nando and Rebecca Rosales (orchestra members). Rebecca’s grandfather passed away suddenly last Friday.

  • Praise: Mike Seal’s surgery went well

  • Reagan Bagci and family (Ali, Michelle).

  • Pastor Scott, as he prepares to preach the Word on Sunday.

  • Looking to pray something specific for our church? Pray Ephesians 3:16-19.

An Extra

I thought you might enjoy hearing a different take on The Gospel Song, the acappella song the choir will be singing on Sunday. This recording is of the song’s writer (Bob Kauflin), with the church choir at Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church in Jacksonville, FL.

Incidentally, this church is home to one of my favorite living preachers today, H.B. Charles Jr.

I love hearing the different musical ways the body of Christ worships around our country. You’ll definitely hear some Gospel-music influence in this arrangement when the choir comes in! Specifically, listen for the shift to compound meter (6/8 time), as well as some interesting chord substitutions (playing with your musical expectations a little bit).

The whole album from which this song comes is fantastic. Check it out sometime!


Respond to the worship ministry text on your phone, or use the form below.

Email Andy: ahammond@stevensstreet.org
Email April: alangford@stevensstreet.org