Worship Ministry Weekly Update

August 18, 2023

Happy Friday, everyone. Here’s what you need to know going into this weekend:

Coming Up

This Sunday

Scripture text: Psalm 1:1-3

This is the Day
He is Our God
On That Day
Awesome (choir anthem)

Upcoming Songs:

August 27 - The Gospel Song
September 10 - Jesus You Alone
September 17 - Come, Christians Join to Sing
September 24 - He Leadeth Me (Multigen Sunday)


  • Believe it or not, we started learning Christmas music on Wednesday! I’ve had a few people ask, and no, we are not doing a joint Christmas service with First Baptist this year. We really enjoyed that last year, and Lord willing, we will do it again in the future, but we feel like it would be good for us to do our own thing this year. The date for the Christmas worship service will be Sunday evening, December 10.

  • Connect groups will be assigned and go into effect after Labor Day. We have been adding several new worship ministry members, and I want to wait until we’ve completed all those interviews before assigning groups.

  • College students return in full force this Sunday! As a reminder, college students are indeed invited (and encouraged) to be a part of worship ministry. So as you encounter and meet students, invite them to come to a rehearsal or reach out to me and April for more information.

Worship Ministry Spotlight

Teri Anderson

Choir member - soprano

I was a military brat, so I grew up all over but spent the most time in Michigan.

2 kids (girl/boy), 4 grandkids (girl, boy, girl, boy) and 3 greats (boy, boy and soon to be girl)

How long have you been at Stevens Street?
44 1/2 years. (44 1/2 years in the choir!)

Highschool activity:
Editor of our school paper, worked on yearbook

Favorite free time activity:
Reading, cook, travel, shop

Dream vacation spot:
I love the mountains and the beach but like a place with interesting sites and good food!

Favorite breakfast cereal:
Cheerios with bananas or strawberries.

If you could play any instrument, what would it be?
I used to play the trumpet but wish I'd learn to play piano or harp.

Favorite thing about worship ministry:
I love the people I vocally worship with. I enjoy the musicality of the process but really its been the people I have served with over the years.

Prayer Requests

  • Margie Copeland, having another eye procedure on Monday. Her sister also passed away this week.

  • Dr. A had no cancer in her last scan, but is taking a blood thinners for a blood clot now.

  • Barbara Maxwell, Julie Galloway’s aunt, in Bethesda Nursing Home. Pray for her and her children as they care for her.

  • Dennis Baker’s mother, having a cornea replacement.

  • Paulette Witt (cancer), a friend of Dr. A and Liz Witt’s mother in law.

  • Reagan Bagci and family (Ali, Michelle).

  • Pastor Scott, as he prepares to preach the Word on Sunday.

  • Looking to pray something specific for our church? Pray Ephesians 3:16-19.

An Extra

This Summer, we spent some time updating our Stevens Street Songbook! This is a resource we initially put together back in 2019 to help families sing at home, and also equip our members to practice and lead the songs that make up the congregational “diet” of our church. I’ve been encouraged to hear of all the various ways this book has been used.

In addition to lead sheets for our most sung songs in congregationally-friendly keys, in this new edition, we added new songs that our church has learned over the past few years, and made a few formatting tweaks (like add the song keys to the table of contents and moving the page numbers!). We will make printed books available to the church in the coming weeks, but I’m very excited about the new and improved digital version of the Songbook.

When you open the PDF of the Songbook on your computer, phone, or tablet, you can now click/tap on any song in the table of contents, and it will zip you right down to the song that you tap on. Additionally, there is a button on each song the will zip you back up to the table of contents. Big thanks to Felicia Wilson for the tedious programming work to make that happen.

As always, I pray this is a useful resource to deepen your love for Jesus and help you sing!

You can download and save the Songbook to your device here.


Respond to the worship ministry text on your phone, or use the form below.

Email Andy: ahammond@stevensstreet.org
Email April: alangford@stevensstreet.org