Worship Ministry Weekly Update

October 12, 2023

Happy Thursday, everyone. Here’s what you need to know going into this weekend:

Coming Up

This Sunday

Scripture text: Romans 6:1-4

Crown Him with Many Crowns
All Sufficient Merit
At the Cross (Love Ran Red)

Upcoming Songs:

October 15 - All Sufficient Merit
October 29 - Reformation Song
November 12 - What It Means to Be Saved
November 19 - Psalm 121 (He Will Keep You)

Worship Ministry Spotlight

Marsha Phipps

Choir member

Crossville, TN

1 stepson, Brandon

How long have you been at Stevens Street?
23 years

Favorite free time activity:
Writing poetry and devotionals

High school activities:
Beta club and newspaper

Dream vacation spot:

Favorite breakfast cereal:
Raisin Bran.

If you could play any instrument, what would it be?
Guitar because my grandfather played the banjo and I loved the times we sat and listened to him play.

Favorite thing about worship ministry:
It is such a joy to sing as one in the Holy Spirit with my brothers and sisters in Christ and to glorify Him together as one body. It is also wonderful that some of my greatest friends are in the choir and they lift my spirit every week.


  • We are full swing into Christmas prep now that Fall break is over. Remember, the date for the Christmas worship service will be Sunday evening, December 10 at 5:00p. As usual, we plan on extending the two Wednesday evening rehearsals prior to that service, so rehearsals on Wednesday, Nov 29 and Dec 6 will be from 6-8pm.

  • Being in a D-group (3-5 people of the same gender) can be a great catalyst for spiritual growth and discipleship. If you’d like to be in a D-group and don’t really know where to start, please let me know, and I will do my best to connect you to others in the worship ministry.

  • A couple weeks ago, we posted our Connect Groups for this year of worship ministry. Remember, these are the people to whom you can pass along prayer requests, and also let them know when you cannot make a Wednesday rehearsal. You can find the updated list here, and you’ll be able to find it each week in these updates.

Prayer Requests

  • Judy Fritts, gall bladder surgery today.

  • Madison Rawls, with pneumonia.

  • Reagan Bagci and family (Ali, Michelle).

  • Jaelynn Rose and Rylee Beth (8 days old) with RSV.

  • David Barrett, former choir member (cancer).

  • Pastor Scott, as he prepares to preach the Word on Sunday.

  • Looking to pray something specific for our church? Pray Ephesians 3:16-19.

An Extra

I just wanted to pass along a resource I’ve used in the past to help people new to music take some initial steps on their own to learn basic music theory. Learning the “language” of music is very similar to learning a foreign language like Spanish or French; it takes time, patience, repetition, and perseverance. The benefit of learning more about music is that you will use what you learn weekly in worship ministry, and you may just find you like singing or playing your instrument even more!

This site was created by a church to help train musicians, and the content is practical and well done. If you explore the site, you’ll also find tutorials for piano and guitar, as well as more advanced training for those of you wanting to dig a little deeper into chord structure.

As always, I’d love to invite you to check out our very own Stevens Street School of Performing Arts to set up one-on-one lessons in almost any instrument or voice. If you want to learn more about this, just contact April.


Respond to the worship ministry text on your phone, or use the form below.

Email Andy: ahammond@stevensstreet.org
Email April: alangford@stevensstreet.org