Worship Ministry Weekly Update

October 19, 2023

Happy Thursday, everyone. Here’s what you need to know going into this weekend:

Coming Up

This Sunday

Scripture text: Matthew 28:18-20

Victory in Jesus
May the Peoples Praise You
Jesus Saves
Christ is Mine Forevermore

Upcoming Songs:

October 29 - Reformation Song
November 12 - What It Means to Be Saved
November 19 - Psalm 121 (He Will Keep You)

Worship Ministry Spotlight

Jason Huff

Choir member

Buffalo Valley

Kids and pets!

How long have you been at Stevens Street?
6 1/2 years

Favorite free time activity:
Staying busy.

High school activities:
Football, choir. student council, school paper

Dream vacation spot:

Favorite breakfast cereal:
Raisin Bran Crunch

If you could play any instrument, what would it be?
Guitar, just to play and sing

Favorite thing about worship ministry:
Being a part of helping others with worshipping our Lord


  • With our church Fall Fest coming up next weekend, we are needing people to sign up for the chili, soup, and BBQ cookoffs, as well as volunteer to bring desserts for the cake walk. You can sign up on my music stand in the choir room, or at the preschool check-in desk.

  • Last night I made mention of the great group of newcomers we’ve had in worship ministry since August. Those people are: Benton Swann, Grace Dillon, Emily Leupold, Kenny Decker, Amanda Johnson, Paige Gazaway, Chuck Hayes, Judy Ullery, Curt Ullery, Ashley Michael, Kinwa Leung, Judy Stearns, Sean Reed, and McCray Johnson. Welcome to the worship ministry family!

  • Being in a D-group (3-5 people of the same gender) can be a great catalyst for spiritual growth and discipleship. If you’d like to be in a D-group and don’t really know where to start, please let me know, and I will do my best to connect you to others in the worship ministry.

  • A few weeks ago, we posted our Connect Groups for this year of worship ministry. Remember, these are the people to whom you can pass along prayer requests, and also let them know when you cannot make a Wednesday rehearsal. You can find the updated list here, and you’ll be able to find it each week in these updates.

Prayer Requests

  • Kas Taylor (orchestra member), having an outpatient surgery procedure on Tuesday.

  • Mille, Debbie Baker’s sister, with cancer.

  • Madison Rawls, with pneumonia and some unexplained complications.

  • Hoyt Maberry (Mark/Liz’s uncle), in ICU in critical condition.

  • Reagan Bagci and family (Ali, Michelle).

  • Our military, and the conflict in Israel.

  • David Barrett, former choir member (cancer).

  • Pastor Scott, as he prepares to preach the Word on Sunday.

  • Looking to pray something specific for our church? Pray Ephesians 3:16-19.

An Extra

With Reformation Day coming up on October 31, I’d love to pass along a couple great “Reformation-y” resources over the next few weeks. The Reformation is that great event in church history, the beginning of which we typically pinpoint to Martin Luther nailing his 95 theses to the castle door in Wittenberg, Germany.

The first resource I’ll mention is a great podcast about Martin Luther, called Luther: In Real Time. You can read a little about it here, and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts.

This podcast walks through the story of the Reformation using Luther’s own words, giving note to the exact day different events took place. The sound effects and dramatic readings make it pretty interesting to listen to, even if you typically aren’t a history-loving person.

Every generation of Christians is responsible for preserving the Gospel, rightly teaching it and preaching it and singing it in local church congregations. Hearing how men and women of the past did this is good for our hearts!

The whole first season is available now. Check it out sometime!


Respond to the worship ministry text on your phone, or use the form below.

Email Andy: ahammond@stevensstreet.org
Email April: alangford@stevensstreet.org