Worship Ministry Weekly Update

April 21, 2023

Happy Friday, everyone. The Impact Summit is here! Be sure to read below to catch all the details you need to know.

Coming Up

This Sunday

Sermon text: Guest preacher (Derek Duvall)
Hear the Call of the Kingdom
All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
Great Are You Lord

April 23 - Hear the Call of the Kingdom
April 24 - I Got Saved
April 25 - The Blood Medley
April 26 - Lord You’re Holy
May 7 - Almost Home (new congregational song)
May 20 - Psalm 46 (Lord of Hosts)


  • Remember, Sunday morning kicks of our Impact Summit! You can find details about the week’s schedule here.

  • Sunday’s call times and rehearsal schedule are the same as usual. 8:00a for band/orchestra/praise team, 8:30a for choir in the choir room.

  • Full worship ministry will lead services at 6:00p on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings. Please make every effort to participate in every service that you can. You can find the orders of service for each of those services here: Monday night, Tuesday night, Wednesday night.

Prayer Requests

  • The Bagci family (Ali, Michelle, Reagan). Reagan (13) has a rare bone cancer. He has begun chemo treatments at St. Jude in Memphis. They have a Memphis address now, if you’d like to send anything. Please be sure to reference Reagan’s name and the apartment number: Reagan Bagci, Apartment 221, 1811 Poplar Avenue, Memphis, TN 38104.

  • Betty Speck, recovering from a heart procedure, and an upcoming surgery to remove a cancerous mass they found recently.

  • Teri Anderson, have a CT scan and check up on Monday.

  • Praise: David Barrett’s pathology report showed no cancer in the liver. He will have another PET scan on Monday to see if there are any other cancer cells in his body.

  • Our Impact Summit coming up—pray that our missionary/church plant partners would be encouraged, and our church would be engaged and mobilized to help support them.

  • Looking to pray something specific for our church? Pray Ephesians 3:16-19.

An Extra

After Jesus’ resurrection, some of his disciples had an interesting encounter with the risen Christ on the road to Emmaus where they did not recognize him at first. Scripture records this encounter in Luke 24, and goes on to say that Jesus, “beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, […] interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.”

In other words, Jesus showed these disciples how the Old Testament points to Himself. In this article, Garrett Kell takes a guess at what Jesus might have said about each of the Old Testament books. Finding these major themes in Scripture and observing how they unfold is a process we call biblical theology. Take a look today, and marvel at God’s plan for His glory and our salvation revealed in this wonderful book called the Bible.

Here’s that article link again in case you missed it: [click here]


Respond to the worship ministry text on your phone, or use the form below.

Email Andy: ahammond@stevensstreet.org
Email April: alangford@stevensstreet.org