June 15, 2023
Happy Thursday, everyone. Here’s what you need to know going into this weekend:
First, yes, full worship ministry is leading worship this Sunday!
Coming Up
This Sunday
Sermon text: 1 Corinthians 15
We Will Remember (choir anthem)
This is the Day
Christ the True and Better
The Blood of Jesus Medley
Anthems coming up:
June 18: We Will Remember
June 25: Impossible Things
This Sunday, we are singing our anthem, We Will Remember, directed by our very own Larry Intermill.
Speaking of anthems, be on the lookout for a new listening CD of music for the Fall. We’ve got some great brand new stuff to learn. I’m excited to share it with you.
Schedule reminder: in the month of June, choir will not rehearse on Wednesday evenings. Choir will continue to lead on Sunday mornings in June. In July, however, there will be no Wednesday rehearsals, and Sundays will be led by band/praise team only.
Our full worship ministry schedule will resume on Wednesday, July 26. Use the off time this Summer to invite someone new to join us in worship ministry!
As I mentioned, during the month of July, orchestra and choir will not lead from the platform on Sunday mornings. I’d like to invite any interested choir/orchestra members to take a Sunday or two to sit in the audio/video booth during worship. We can never have too many people who know how to click through lyrics on the computer, as we have opportunities to serve in that way come up all the time. If you’d like to take a Sunday to observe, just let me know and I can help get you that set up.
Worship Ministry Spotlight
Melinda Poteet
Choir member
Hometown: Cookeville, TN
Kids: Yes to kids, grandkids, and pets
How long have you been at Stevens Street?
11 years
Favorite free time activity:
Working puzzles, playing games, and watching a good movie
Highschool sport:
Softball and volleyball
Dream vacation spot:
Smoky mountains or the beach
If you could play any instrument, what would it be?
Drums…because I’m a little like Animal on the muppets…
Favorite breakfast cereal:
Frosted mini wheats
Favorite thing about worship ministry:
Singing! I love to feel the Spirit move through the congregation and see praise to the Lord on people’s faces when we sing!
Prayer Requests
Betty Speck, recovering well from surgery. Pray for continued strength.
David Barrett, cancer treatments.
David Dukes, recovering from shoulder replacement surgery.
Reagan Bagci and family (Ali, Michelle). PET CT showed no metastasis (great news!), and he has surgery scheduled for next Wednesday. Pray specifically for healing and comfort post-surgery for Reagan.
Looking to pray something specific for our church? Pray Ephesians 3:16-19.
An Extra
Waaaay back in 2019 (!!!), we published our first Stevens Street Songbook as a way to give our people a resource for personal devotion, family worship, and learning corporate worship songs. Since that time, we’ve learned some great songs that we need to add! We’d like to work on putting together a 2nd edition of the Stevens Street Songbook, and I’d love your help. If you have any feedback on the following questions, please let me or April know.
How have you used the Songbook?
What song(s) would you like to see us add?
What extra feature(s) would you like to see in the next edition?
Respond to the worship ministry text on your phone, or use the form below.
Email Andy: ahammond@stevensstreet.org
Email April: alangford@stevensstreet.org