June 22, 2023
Happy Thursday, everyone. Here’s what you need to know going into this weekend:
First, yes, full worship ministry is leading worship this Sunday!
Coming Up
This Sunday
Sermon text: 1 Corinthians 15
Impossible Things (choir anthem)
Crown Him with Many Crowns
Holy Holy Holy
Turn Your Eyes
This Sunday, we are singing our anthem, Impossible Things, directed by our very own Stacie Parkins.
Our listening CD for the Fall is ready for you to pick up! Be sure to grab one off the choir room tables over the next few weeks. These are the anthems and new congregational songs that we’ll be learning/singing beginning in August.
Schedule reminder: this Sunday is the last Sunday choir/orchestra will lead from the platform until we return in full on Sunday, July 30.
Our full worship ministry schedule will resume on Wednesday, July 26. Use the off time this Summer to invite someone new to join us in worship ministry! As we’ve mentioned before, the best way to recruit new members in the worship ministry is not to do a church announcement on the stage (though we will do that in the month of July); the best way is always to invite someone personally. Is there someone you know in the church who hasn’t connected with a specific ministry in which to serve? Have you heard someone singing beside you in church, and you can invite them to come on July 26 to our worship ministry interest meeting? I cannot stress this enough: most people are just waiting on someone to invite them. Maybe that someone is you?
Worship Ministry Spotlight
Anthony Leonard
Choir member
Hometown: Port Jervis, NY
Kids: 3 boys, 1 girl, and a mini blue heeler
How long have you been at Stevens Street?
15 months
Favorite free time activity:
“Free time”… what’s that?
Highschool sport:
Dream vacation spot:
Italy, for the food of course
If you could play any instrument, what would it be?
Piano. It has a full sound and can do any song justice.
Favorite breakfast cereal:
Bacon, egg, and cheese on a bagel
Favorite thing about worship ministry:
The Holy Spirit moves through me every time I sing, and my prayers are that He moves through those who listen as well.
Prayer Requests
Reagan Bagci and family (Ali, Michelle). Reagan had surgery yesterday to remove the tumor on his leg. The doctors were pleased with what they were able to do, but it’s a long road ahead for Reagan. Pray for patience, strength, and encouragement for the family.
Mandy Rawls’ step-mother, who is in hospice care.
Mike Seal, having hip problems.
David Barrett, cancer treatments.
Looking to pray something specific for our church? Pray Ephesians 3:16-19.
An Extra
As you know, I recently had the joy of going to South Asia to serve and minister with our Impact partners there. It was a great trip—challenging, instructive, and encouraging. As I’ve had time to process a little more, I thought I’d share a few observations/reminders from the trip that have connections to worship ministry.
To have a worship service, all you need are worshippers around the Word of God. Whether it was in a house church with two dozen nationals or a hotel room with nine American partners, I was reminded that the western worship accoutrements to which we’ve grown accustomed (instruments, lighting, large spaces, platforms, pews, etc.) are helpful, but not necessary. The only thing a fish needs in order to swim is water, because swimming is part of a fish’s “fishy-ness,” and water enables the swimming. The only thing a Christian needs in order to worship is the Word of God, because worshipping is what defines us as Christians, and His Word enables our worship by His Spirit. In what ways are we tempted to elevate the tools of corporate worship over the necessary ingredients of corporate worship?
A sound doctrine of ecclesiology matters more than many of us realize. Ecclesiology is simply the study of the church—how is a church organized? What is the purpose of the church? What is the role of the corporate church gathering? In my discussions with our Impact Partners, this is the point of theology that most often rose to the top because of the challenges they face in discipling new believers. Unfortunately, it’s a point of theology not often taught well in American churches. In America, as well as in frontier countries where the Gospel is going forward, unbiblical views of ecclesiology can do damage to new churches and stunt spiritual growth. How can we better equip our people to know and love the local church better?
Jesus is still at work changing lives and pressing the light of the Gospel into the darkness of ancient world religions. There is a great stronghold of Hinduism in much of the area to which we traveled. But God created every single human being with a spiritual sensitivity, an awareness of a Creator’s “eternal power and divine nature” (Romans 1). That truth has been suppressed in many by the lies of Hinduism, Mormonism, secular humanism, and American materialism, among others. But the beauty and hope of the promise of God in Scripture is that the hammer of the Gospel will strike the anvil of receptive hearts in every nation, tribe, and tongue. By God’s grace, we will see South Asian believers in heaven one day. Therefore, our obedience to go on mission is a outworking of our faith in God’s Word. Is there someone to whom you need to “go” this week? It may be across the world, or it may just be across your yard to your neighbor’s house.
Respond to the worship ministry text on your phone, or use the form below.
Email Andy: ahammond@stevensstreet.org
Email April: alangford@stevensstreet.org