Worship Ministry Weekly Update

June 29, 2023

Happy Thursday, everyone. Here’s what you need to know going into this weekend:

First, choir and orchestra are not leading from the platform on Sunday.

Coming Up

This Sunday

Sermon text: Colossians 1:13-14
Revive Us Again
Almost Home
Is He Worthy
All Glory Be To Christ


  • Again, remember that for the next four Sundays, Sunday worship will be led by band and praise team only (no choir or orchestra).

  • Our listening CD for the Fall is ready for you to pick up! Be sure to grab one off the choir room tables over the next few weeks. These are the anthems and new congregational songs that we’ll be learning/singing beginning in August. If you’d like me to put the songs on a jump drive for you, I’m happy to do that.

  • All of you serve so faithfully on Sunday mornings in worship ministry; have you ever considered serving in worship ministry on Sunday nights? We have a great team of volunteers that help with kids choirs, and this Fall, we are working on expanding our Sunday evening worship ministries to include high school students. Having plenty of volunteers to pitch in is crucial to sustaining ministries like these. Would you pray about helping us in the Fall on Sunday evenings at 5:00p? Just let me or April know if you are interested.

  • Our full worship ministry schedule will resume on Wednesday, July 26. Use the off time this Summer to invite someone new to join us in worship ministry! As we’ve mentioned before, the best way to recruit new members in the worship ministry is not to do a church announcement on the stage (though we will do that in the month of July); the best way is always to invite someone personally. Is there someone you know in the church who hasn’t connected with a specific ministry in which to serve? Have you heard someone singing beside you in church, and you can invite them to come on July 26 to our worship ministry interest meeting? I cannot stress this enough: most people are just waiting on someone to invite them. Maybe that someone is you?

Worship Ministry Spotlight

Betty Chaffin

Choir member

Hometown: Cookeville, TN

Kids: Two adorable granddaughters

How long have you been at Stevens Street?
20 years

Favorite free time activity:
Relax, read some Scripture, and play cards
on my phone

Dream vacation spot:
Camping by a lake, fishing.

If you could play any instrument, what would it be?
Piano. Always wanted to learn, but never had
a chance.

Favorite breakfast cereal:

Favorite thing about worship ministry:
I’ve always loved to sing, so serving helps me worship our Lord even more. Each person in their own way inspires me to serve and live for our Lord in how He wants us to live. I love our choir!

Prayer Requests

  • Betty Speck (Grandma Betty) wanted me to pass along her gratitude to the worship ministry for checking on her and praying for her. She asks that we pray for her health, that she will be able to sing with us in August!

  • Reagan Bagci and family (Ali, Michelle). Pray for patience, strength, and encouragement for the family as Reagan has post surgery physical therapy.

  • Mandy Rawls’ family. Her step mother passed away this week.

  • David Barrett, cancer treatments.

  • Looking to pray something specific for our church? Pray Ephesians 3:16-19.

An Extra

I just wanted to share a new song we’ll be singing in the Fall (and it’s on your listening CD): He Will Keep You (Psalm 121) by Sovereign Grace Music. Below is the original recording of the song.

I love the resurgence of new songs being written from the psalms. For centuries, the Church has sung from “God’s hymnal,” the book of Psalms. In the psalms, we find the full expression of faith-filled human response to God, from jubilant praise to hopeful lament. We find joy, singing, instruments playing, intricately planned poetry (Psalm 119!), sadness, longing, suffering—all reminding us that God created humans as complex creatures who live in a complex world.

The psalms give voice to our faith as the people of God, and they resonate with our souls because the God who inspired every syllable knows us better than we could ever know ourselves.

We’ve now sung Psalm 23, Psalm 150, Psalm 46, and Psalm 130 as a church. I’m excited to sing Psalm 121 with you in the Fall!


Respond to the worship ministry text on your phone, or use the form below.

Email Andy: ahammond@stevensstreet.org
Email April: alangford@stevensstreet.org